3 # Pokemobs will not spawn further than this distance from a player
4 maxSpawnRadius = 32
5 # Pokemobs will not spawn closer than this distance from a player
6 minSpawnRadius = 16
9 # If true, vanilla mobs are treated as pokemobs as well
10 vanilla_pokemobs = false
11 # Pokemobs larger than this are treated a bit differently to try to reduce lag when they move around
12 largeMobForSplit = 2.0
13 # If true, mobs added by other mods are treated as pokemobs as well
14 non_vanilla_pokemobs = false
15 # Time it takes for a pokemob to evolve, note that recalling during this time will cancel the evolution!
16 evolutionTicks = 50
17 # Number of ender pearls required to teleport to a pokecenter in your current dimension, using the attack teleport
18 telePearlsCostSameDim = 0
19 # A spacing around a player which prevnts them from riding something too fast off the edge of the loaded area. This effectively limits the speed at which they can generate terrain
20 movementPauseThreshold = 32.0
21 # Number of ender pearls required to teleport to a pokecenter in a different diemsnion, using the attack teleport
22 telePearlsCostOtherDim = 16
23 # Distance that secret base radar works within
24 baseRadarRange = 64
27 # scaling factor on riding speed while flying
28 flySpeedFactor = 1.0
29 # scaling factor on riding speed while in water
30 surfSpeedFactor = 1.0
31 # If true, dead wild pokemobs will vanish like normal mobs do on death
32 wildDeadDespawn = true
33 # time it takes for the dead mobs to vanish if allowed
34 deadDespawnTimer = 20
35 # if they did not vanish by this time, they will revive instead, wild ones at full hp, tame ones at 1 hp
36 deadReviveTimer = 600
37 # Flying will not be allowed in these dimensions
38 blackListedFlyDims = ["the_end", "the_nether"]
39 # scaling factor on riding speed while on ground
40 groundSpeedFactor = 1.0
41 # If true, dead tame pokemobs will vanish like normal mobs do on death, they will return to their pokecubes when they vanish
42 tameDeadDespawn = true
43 # Approximate cooldown for attacks in ticks, larger values will slow down combat
44 attackCooldown = 20
47 # Global size scaling factor for pokemobs
48 scalefactor = 1.0
49 # Number of pages in the PC
50 pcPageCount = 32
51 # If true, npcs will display their name tags, this is server config for syncing to clients for balance purposes
52 npcNameTags = true